Town Watch
A simple library for in-browser, client-side validations where-in each validation failed will trigger one specific error
message in the DOM, as well as mark the corespunding input as invalid.
Browser compatibility
The compiled code is EcmaScript 5 and thus is compatible with all modern browsers, see here.
Why should I use this ?
- You have to add a lot of validations on a single input (most likely a text input).
- You want each validation to have it's unique message (error messages are in the DOM for whatever reason).
- You want a long chain of smaller validations instead of one big and probably very complex and error prone validation.
- You want to easily chain validations so that they can be added removed with minimum effort, configuration vs implementation.
- You want to easily add your custom validations to the ones allready provided.
- You want to avoid dependences.
How do I use this ?
See the examples page (includes codepen examples) or the examples on the github.